Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

I can effortlessly spend hours talking and laughing while sharing fully opinionated stories with family and friends over any kind of food. Soon I hope to blog with that same ease. When it comes to writing, I'm much more comfortable with pen and paper. I love the tactile experience. However, I must confess that gaining familiarity with skills that I've not mastered is liberating for the soul and releases the perfectionist in me.

Over the weekend, Jessica and I worked as we have most Saturday mornings this year. We spent some time assessing our performance and how to move forward in 2009. During our meeting, thankfulness and excitement laced many of our topics. We're grateful for a strong finish this year and we're excited about many new opportunities for Panda Designs in 2009. Over the next few weeks, we'll solidify goals and focus on creating memories with our families and friends in that incredibly fleeting space called time. No matter your circumstance, we pray that you will do the the same.


From: Our Families
To: Yours

May Evident Riches Reign Yearlong
Christ Has Riches Increasingly Satisfying Tender Majestic Awesome Sweet

1 comment:

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I hope that your Christmas was very blessed.
Best Wishes for 1009 for a prosperious New year!