You've Got Mail 1998I enjoy Barnes & Noble immensely. Just browsing in a bookstore ices the cake for me. Borders is great. Amazon, simpy amazing. But one of my favorite films,
You've Got Mail, sealed my dream of wanting to become a future children's independent bookstore owner. Richly stained wood-paneled walls with floor-to-ceiling shelving lined with both the
Madeleine and
Eloise series would be divine.
Unfortunately, it has become common news that many well-known independent bookstores in our country are slowly disappearing. Perhaps one reason is that there is an absolute convenience in online shopping. Still, there is something very gratifying in dealing with a hard-working sole proprietor. Especially one that is passionate about charming you with thoughtful window displays that feature the latest bestsellers. I've heard that managing the inventory of a bookstore is tedious to say the least. Your passion would have to be the driving force. I will carry on with purchases from the aforementioned booksellers, but I also want to continue to support the small business owner. The strength of small business is tightly woven into our country's history. I encourage you to continue to do the same. :)